
‍EmpoweringYoung Girls: A Journey of Hope and Resilience

At this moment, we have 18 incredible young girls living with us, all on uniquejourneys of growth and transformation. To best support their development, wehave separated them into two houses: one for the younger minors and another forthe teenagers. While this separation comes with its challenges, we believe itwill give each group the space to grow, learn, and support one another. Thesegirls are not just survivors; they are dreamers and future leaders, and we arecommitted to helping them realize their full potential.

CollegeDreams: Excitement and Challenges

Our younger students are nearing an importantmilestone—they’re preparing to join college soon. While this is a time ofexcitement, it also brings significant challenges, particularly when it comesto the financial burden of higher education. Some of the girls have dreams thatinspire us daily: one wants to attend Bible college, another aspires to becomea doctor, and two others are determined to become successful entrepreneurs.Their ambition is powerful, but the reality of funding these dreams can bedaunting. At times, I feel anxious about raising enough money for theireducation, but deep down, I believe that there will always be a way forward.

CitizenshipStruggles: Overcoming Legal Barriers

Alongside the educational hurdles, we are alsofacing complications related to the girls' citizenship status. Many of themlack proper documentation—some have no parents, others don’t know the identityof their fathers, and two of our girls were born as a result of rape. Thesecircumstances create significant challenges in securing their legal rights andfuture opportunities, but we are determined to navigate these obstacles withhope and perseverance.

AHeartfelt Thank You for Your Support

In the face of these challenges, I want to takea moment tothank you from the bottom of my heart. Your unwavering supportplays a vitalrole in giving these young girls hope, life, and the strength tobreak free fromthe stigmas of their past. These girls have faced more hardshipthan many of uscan imagine, but today, they are change-makers in theircommunities, breakingdown barriers and paving the way for a better future. We deeply appreciate your ongoing involvementin thismission. Together, we are not just supporting these girls—we arehelping thembecome leaders, role models, and symbols of resilience in theirsociety.

I hope everything is going well with you and your family. I look forwardtohearing from you soon.